
PBS: The Birth of a Medium – Animated GIFs

The ideal of art has change greatly lets Take a look at this cool medium often use for web and graphic design work many, call it the evolution of photography but is quickly becoming an new art form that’s in wide spread an being use across the globe.

Now 25 years old, a new PBS documentary highlights the GIF history, recent popularity on Tumblr as well as the story of the four fathers in the game,two teams who are evolving the current standards of GIF’s new. The Animations are hella dope and eye pooping , i get many of my creative ideals from the various random ones i run across will surfing the web.

Animated gif’s are being created everyday and reposted by many, So have a view of this the retrospective video by PBS on a look back to the creation of Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) images.